Your Testimonials
I bought Kodama – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
I have been buying your teas for many years, they help me in my serious illness. They are fantastic and I am delighted to visit your online shop where I can choose from all assortment at one place and do not have to go to different stores.
I only can recommend, absolutely fantastic teas and they work as they should. I was searching for natural remedies for my health problems and I have finally found them :-)
I have been using Chyawanprash for half a year and I cannot speak highly enough of it. I was not affected by cold, cough,.. I was healthy all the winter after many years.
Since I came to Salzburg from Spain I have found at the Vegan Restaurant, in the Franz Joseph Straße 3, the Ayurvedic Tees. I drink usually and regularly Tulsi and so many others tees that have made so good for me and my health at my 60. I consider to be the best to drink every day to be healthy. I invite to try and feel how it fits to body.
I use Nimba tea for skin. I had a skin disorders and nothing helped. After two or three months of drinking this tea, my complexion looks much better.
Hello, I bought your Ranjaka tea and it is doing me good (for fatigue and irritation). Thanks
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
Hello, Ranjaka tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
Thanks to Medhika tea, my lactation increased by 50 %. Nothing helped me before as this tea.