Your Testimonials
Dalchini tea helped me through the first days of spring pollen seasson. After one week of drinking the tea, three times a day, I was able to walk my dog and run with him through a meadow in bloom!
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking Katphala tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
Chyawanprash helped me to get rid of constipation which I had been suffering from for 14 years! Already after three days I started to eliminate once a day. Now after two months my digestion is absolutely all right. My weight also reduced by 3 kg and the atopic eczema vanishes!
Good afternoon, I had a herniated disc, very painful. After one week of drinking Gokshura, I started to feel a profound relief. I stopped using pills and could not believe it - it worked!
Hello, Ranjaka tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
Recently I came across Himalayan ayurvedic herbal teas and tried some of them (Pitta, Bhringaraj, Jaiphal) and I am very happy with them. I am much calmer, my shoulder ligament got stronger, my toes` verrucas is vanishing..
The Arjuna tea has been a saviour and I no longer have the symptoms associated with irregular heart rhythm. It is truly an amazing product.
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks
Whole month through I was honestly using Abhaya for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. thanks a lot.
The Tulsi tea was very helpful during cold, after two days of drinking the tea, the sore throat dissapeared. Its taste is great and has an amazing warming effect. I recommend to have enough of it in the winter time!